What do we do?
Since 2005, we exclusively provide IT services
Dedicated and integrated IT services: design, implementation, maintenance, training in the field of virtual infrastructures, as well as outsourcing, hosting virtual servers and much more.

Professional Solutions
Who are we?
We are a solid team of IT specialists
With people driven by their passion for IT and guided by the objectivity specific to engineering. Our most important values are flexibility, curiosity, openness to innovation and learning.
We have experience, patience, attention to detail. The way we do our work speaks for itself, through successful implementations, through the number of successful collaborations and clients who repeatedly request high quality IT services.
Leadership Team
Cristian Leoveanu
Vicent Dusnoki
Dan Iagăr
Liviu Ianași
While 95% of the total IT products and services made in Romania by Romanian specialists are aimed at the international market, we are part of the 5% that dedicate their services to the Romanian environment. We work for institutions or private companies, start-ups or prominent clients in Romania. Our specialists have competencies similar to their colleagues in the corporate environment, but we choose to also apply them in the benefit of those who live and work here.
Orienting ourselves towards a non-corporate area, we were able to develop without being influenced by strict and rigid bureaucratic objectives.
We are equidistant in selecting manufacturing companies, optimally matching various IT service offers. The nature of our work requires significant doses of awareness, seriousness and assumed responsibilities in providing performance. The success of our clients and the impact of these projects on the life of communities depend also on the way we bring them to a successful conclusion, through high-performance IT services.